Dr Samina Ahmed

So, you are thinking of having a baby?

So, you are thinking about getting pregnant and have a baby! That’s great news and can be an exciting and apprehensive time as well. Trying to conceive can be a time filled with hope, but it can also be stressful and overwhelming. Many women spend years using some form of birth control trying to avoid pregnancy, but when the time comes and they are ready to fall pregnant, it doesn’t happen as easily as expected.

Fertility can vary widely from one couple to the next and while some couples fall pregnant quickly and easily it can take a little bit longer for others. The average time it will take to fall pregnant is about four months and for 85%of women within 12 months. There are various reasons for this, but the important thing is not to be alarmed if it doesn’t happen in the first month or two. This is quite normal.

Most women will usually begin to ovulate normally and have menstrual periods a month or two after they stop using the pill or most forms of birth control. However, for others it may take longer. In most instances this is just the normal delays in the process of conception. There is a common misconception that there are problems conceiving post contraception, or even possible negative side effects. The truth of the matter is that your body needs a bit of time to adjust and in most cases, pregnancy will happen when your body is ready to conceive.

An important factor is making sure you take care of yourself both mentally and physically during this time. A well-balanced diet and exercise can contribute to your conception success as well as reducing alcohol intake and ceasing smoking.

You may want to talk to your GP about lifestyle factors such as smoking and drinking, or get a referral to see Dr Samina if you have very irregular periods, have been trying for a year or longer or if you are in your mid-30’s or older and have been trying to fall pregnant for six months without success.